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Engaging the Marketplace & Winning

Our members are familiar with many of the aspects of Clean Water Action advocacy: promoting legislation, endorsing candidates, field and phone canvassing, educational outreach.

Several of our state offices also do direct engagement with the business community to promote best practices on issues like

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Carbon Fight - Going Regional

With national environmental policy in the hands of administrators and officials allied with polluters, it has become essential for activists to form innovative alliances to advance progressive programs.

The president’s executive order aimed at overturning six of President Obama’s directives on regulating carbon emissions, including the Clean Power Plan, is just the latest attempt to reverse hard-won victories for clean water and air.

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Rhode Island in the Lead

With the last mail ballots now counted here in our state, it is pretty safe to say that the official results reveal just how important the environment is to Rhode Islanders.

Do we have reason to be concerned about the outcome of the presidential election? We do. However, in Rhode Island we will

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Why Elections Motivate Me.

Autumn is my favorite season of the year. We’re past the stifling heat and humidity of summer, the changing color of leaves makes my drive to work a rolling rainbow of foliage and my work as a canvasser takes on special significance because, every two years, it’s election season.

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