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Plastics and toxics in baby products

My spouse and I are expecting our first child in the spring. Needless to say, our friends and families are very excited, and we are receiving a lot of advice and insight. One of the most frequent nuggets we have been getting goes something like this: “It really starts to get fun and exciting when you get to put together your baby registry!”

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Take the Pledge! - 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Single-Use Waste

Single-use products are the main source of trash in our waters. When this garbage is disposed of improperly, it ends up in our stormwater and sewer systems, and ultimately our oceans, which has a devastating impact on marine life. In addition, the manufacturing of plastic products produces enormous amounts of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.
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Trawling Narragansett Bay

This week, Clean Water Action is trawling Narragansett Bay for microplastic pollution. With this trawl, we hope to show that plastic pollution isn't just an issue in the middle of the ocean, it's a problem right here in our own waters.

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Following the Leader

I am a canvassing intern for the summer here at Clean Water Action in Rhode Island. In addition to knocking on doors, I got the opportunity to shadow State Director Johnathan Berard for one day to learn how the organization operates on the policy and lobbying side. It was incredibly informative and

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Direct Democracy at the Statehouse

I am a canvasser. For four months, I have been knocking on doors and talking to folks about environmental and public health issues with Clean Water Action. I recently graduated from Salve Regina University where I majored in biology with a focus on environmental sciences.

I always pictured myself

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