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"All I can say is that we have to keep on fighting"

Writing in the Boston Globe just a few days ago, Karenna Gore - Director of the Center for Earth Ethics and daughter of former Vice President Al Gore - stated that "[T]he oil and gas industry is now an empire that makes its own rules." I couldn't agree more. But the tough questions that are being asked not only in print, but in public protest and in the halls of power are exposing the incredible reach of the fossil fuel lobby and fueling the popular movement fighting to shut down polluters' lock on our society.

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Growing Pressure From the Ground Up to Fix Gas Leaks

I have spent a lot of time running around the Massachusetts State House, especially with the impending omnibus energy bill. But while I love the gold dome, bustling House and Senate chambers, and meaningful legislative work, Boston City Hall has something greater: City Hall Daycare and my 19-month

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Mother seeks ban on toxic flame retardants

On a hot and muggy morning in late June, a dynamic assembly of environmentalists, parents, firefighters, worker’s health advocates, and others piled into Hearing Room 222 of the Massachusetts State House. The issue that brought all these folks together: toxic flame retardants in kid’s products and household furniture.

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Infographic on Massachusetts Gas Leaks

This just in from the infographic corner––our Clean Energy Intern, Victoria, has put together an awesome visual to share the impact of gas leaks on Massachusetts. Tori recently blogged about our campaign to fix gas leaks, a big team effort we're proud to join Mothers Out Front, Community Labor

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