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Fighting Big Oil in Texas

How would you react if oil drillers wanted to spread their toxic waste on an open field next to your drinking water supply? You would surely be as outraged as the people of Chireno and Nacogdoches were last summer when they reached out to Clean Water Action for help.

Thanks to the support of Clean

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Abbott's Saber Rattling Prattle Against Protecting Our Water

Sadly, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's August 11th letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatening to sue if it does not retreat from its plan to strengthen protections for the sources of our drinking water is more about politics and ideology than public health. For Abbott, it does not matter that EPA simply wants to return protections back to where they were during the Clinton and Reagan administrations.

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Why I want to #ProtectCleanWater - My Childhood Creek

For much of my childhood, in Waco Texas, I grew up with a creek behind my house. That creek is the center of many of my memories and is one of many Texas creeks that is denied protections under the current interpretation of the Clean Water Act. Growing up, my siblings and I would put on rubber wading boots, take a net off a hook in our garage, and trample down the hill behind our house.

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Conserving Water at Home

Water Conservation in Austin

Is this ‘drought’ or is it…Texas? This is the question that imposes itself, as the drought wears on and as experts warn us to brace for a warmer climate. Drought has become our new norm, and water levels in reservoirs across the state continue to drop. We all need to do

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