Pushing For Progress: Standing Strong to Protect Our Water and Our Health
Inauguration Day always reminds me of my dad. A World War II veteran born in 1921, he could not vote in Presidential elections until after 1961, when the 23rd Amendment gave Washington DC residents that right. He took voting in Presidential elections seriously, insisting on driving me to the polls when I cast my first vote.
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Trump Administration's Promise for "Clean Air and Water"
President Trump has claimed that his administration will deliver the “cleanest air and water.” This promise will be difficult to fulfill if he continues on his current path. From withdrawing from an international agreement around tackling the climate crisis to unleashing oil and gas production - the Trump administration’s Day 1 Executive Orders and actions enable a polluter free-for-all that puts clean water and clean air at risk while blocking cleaner energy sources like offshore wind.
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We All Live Downstream - Clean Water Action Podcast
Welcome to We All Live Downstream: a Clean Water Action Podcast available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
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