Clean Water Action has endorsed candidates in legislative races before the primary this year. More endorsements will be rolled for the general election. For the primary, Clean Water Actions endorsed candidates who have championed our priority issues as sponsors, in committee, or on the Floor.
For the Senate, Clean Water Action decided to only endorse senators who championed our priority issues who also voted to remove trash incinerator subsidies when given the opportunity on the Senate Floor in 2021. In previous years, a wide majority of senators voted to remove subsidies for burning trash under Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard, an energy program that was designed to encourage new renewable energy development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2021, when given the opportunity, most other environmental champions voted to support continued incinerator subsidies. We applaud Senators Elfreth, Lam, Pinsky, and Washington for their strong convictions.
Anne Arundel County:
- Senator Sarah Elfreth, District 30
Baltimore City:
- Senator Mary Washington, District 43
- Delegate Sandy Rosenberg, District 41
- Delegate Regina Boyce, District 43
- Delegate Stephanie Smith, District 45
- Delegate Robbyn Lewis, District 46
Baltimore County:
- Delegate Dana Stein, District 11B
- Delegate Sheila Ruth, District 44B
Howard County:
- Senator Clarence Lam, District 12
- Delegate Terri Hill, District 12
- Delegate Jen Terrasa, District 13
Montgomery County:
- Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo, District 15
- Delegate Marc Korman, District 16
- Delegate Sara Love, District 16
- Delegate Emily Shetty, District 18
- Delegate Vaughn Stewart, District 19
- Delegate Lorig Charkoudian, District 20
Prince George's County:
- Senator Paul Pinsky, District 22
- Delegate Mary Lehman, District 21
- Delegate Julian Ivey, District 47A
This message has been authorized and paid for by Clean Water Action, Robert Wendelgass, President, for distribution to its members. This message has not been authorized by any candidate. |