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By Lily Biggar, Communications Intern I have always loved the water. My sister and I grew up in central Florida with a neighbor kind enough to let us enjoy the vast lake hidden behind his property. The two of us spent afternoons wading in the shallow waters as we searched for minnows and took turns sitting on my dad’s lap as we cruised across the lake in the old speedboat. When my family moved to Washington, DC, I left the lake behind, but took with me a lasting appreciation for water. For this reason, I could not be more thrilled to be a part of the Clean Water Action team this summer! The organization’s mission to protect our nation’s water is not only an important one, but one that is close to heart. As one of two Communications Interns in the national office, I will be doing everything possible to keep you up-to-date on water related issues and the progress of our campaigns. This summer will mark my sixth year working with environmental issues and advocacy. I got my start as the president of my high school environmental club, where I most notably led the campaign to bring Meatless Mondays to the school cafeteria. After entering Colorado College as a freshman in 2012, I declared an Environmental Policy major and have taken a mix of economics, sociology, and environmental science courses. Last summer, as the Farm to School Intern at DC Greens, a nonprofit focused on increasing access to healthy and local food, I collaborated on program initiatives and composed a number of blog posts, newsletter segments, and tweets for the organization. This past year, I have worked for the Colorado College Office of Sustainability, compiling data for a detailed account of the college’s sustainability efforts. Over the next few months, I hope to gain valuable insight into the ins and outs of environmental advocacy, hone my communication skills, and build lasting relationships with the organization’s talented and hardworking staff who have been powerfully influencing environmental policy for over forty years. Yours truly, Lily