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By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO You know what I’m sick of? Seeing important bills that would protect our water, fight climate change, and help build a clean energy economy never get a vote in the Senate. I think it’s time to do something about it so our Senators can start representing you and me and voting on the bills we care about. But we need your help today! We need to reform the filibuster and we have one chance to do it right now – so email (and call) your Senators today! Tell them to support Senate Resolution 4 (SR 4), which makes simple and common sense changes to the filibuster to ensure important bills are debated and voted on in the Senate. The filibuster used to be an important tool that gave the minority a real voice in the Senate. But today Senators regularly hold “silent” filibusters, stopping important legislation without ever having to stand on the floor of the Senate to explain why. It allows polluters and their allies in the Senate to stop commonsense legislation to protect our air, water, and health. SR 4 can make a difference in stopping this. We have a rare chance to fight back against “business as usual” in Washington. But we must act now, before the Senate votes on the rules for the new session of Congress. We can make sure that legislation like the Safe Chemicals Act, and bills to protect our water from fracking come to a vote in the Senate. But only if you act now! Email your Senators and then call them at this number, 1-866-937-5062, to demand change.