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By Steve Hvozdovich, Marcellus Campaign Coordinator We're less than a week from the election. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. What kind of representative has Mark Mustio been for the people of the 44th district? Let’s look at two situations that have occurred in just this past year. First, during debate on the biggest piece of environmental legislation in the past decade, Act 13 he was no where to be found. In fact he earned an incomplete on Clean Water Action’s Marcellus Shale Scorecard because he didn’t cast enough votes. Next, Rep. Mustio ran an unsuccessful campaign this spring for the Republican nomination for state Senate. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette said his campaign used a race-based strategy against his opponent that was deplorable and raised a troubling question about his fitness for office. These actions led the Pittsburgh Post Gazette to withdraw their initial endorsement of him. This year constituents in the 44th district finally have a viable alternative to Rep. Mustio, Mark Scappe. Mark has a wealth of local government experience as a member of the Moon Area School Board for 12 years, six of them as president. If Mark is in the House, not only will he vote for an extraction tax on Marcellus Shale gas, which Mr. Mustio opposes but he will fight to restore the municipal rights stripped away by Act 13. It is time to end Rep. Mustio’s decade of anti-environmental representation. On Tuesday, November 6th, please vote for Mark Scappe in the 44th state house district – our environment in Pennsylvania depends on it. Polls are open from 7am - 8pm. Find your polling place here.