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By Joe Nye, Eastern Pennsylvania Program Organizer We're less than a week from the election. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. Recently, if you live in the 157th PA State House district you may have received a piece of mail from the Pennsylvania Republican Party accusing Paul Drucker of being anti-environment and portraying Warren Kampf as an environmental champion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Warren Kampf is a true friend to the oil and gas industry and voted against the environment 23% of the time as state legislator in his last term. The most shocking part about Warren Kampf calling himself an environmental leader is that he voted this year for a law in Pennsylvania, called Act 13, which all major environmental organizations, including Clean Water Action strongly denounced and continue to fight against. When Paul Drucker previously held this seat in Harrisburg, he fought to protect Chester County’s drinking water and public health and he will certainly do so again, but he needs your vote. We have a real opportunity to hold a bad environmental legislator accountable for his lack of concern or caring about environmental issues. Warren Kampf will tell you he is pro-environment, but actions speak much louder than words. On Tuesday, November 6th, use your vote to take action and elect a strong environmental leader. Vote for Paul Drucker on November 6th! Polls are open from 7am - 8pm. Find your polling place here.