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By Jessica Harshfield, Michigan Intern Only a few days remain until Election Day on November 6th and this season is a particularly busy time – we’re raising awareness about toxic chemicals in children’s products. Clean Water Fund and our partners have been speaking with candidates about the need for policies that make products safer for children’s use. In September, I had the unique opportunity to accompany Clean Water’s Policy Director to a meeting with a candidate for Michigan State House of Representatives. We were there to discuss a key issue, children’s environmental health. Our goal in these meetings is to brief candidates on how toxic chemicals in products are adversely affecting children’s health; why chemicals such as bisphenol A in baby bottles and cadmium in children’s jewelry need to be phased out due to their link to an increase in cancer and other diseases; and what can be done to create new business opportunities by investing in programs that work toward developing safer chemicals for children’s products. We provide the candidate with education materials and information in support of the positive health outcomes and reduced health care costs that would result from policies reducing exposure to toxic substances. Hopefully, the candidates will use this information to craft policy, if they are elected. We also encourage the candidates to sign the Healthy Products, Healthy Kids Platform, which asks them to help “identify the most hazardous chemicals in children's products, provide parents and consumers with the right-to-know, phase out the known, most harmful chemicals to which children are exposed, and invest in growing green chemistry jobs in Michigan”. For me, speaking directly with candidates is a worthwhile experience. It empowers concerned residents, like me, to have a voice in current public policy issues. Working with constituent volunteers to set up and attend candidate education meetings gives candidates insight on what issues are important to constituents and that voters want an elected official who is proactive and offers real solutions when it comes to protecting the health of children and improving the quality of families’ lives. Some states have already recognized the need to make children's products safer, either by banning the use of bisphenol A in baby bottles and sippy cups or requiring manufacturers to report which toxic chemicals are used to make children's products. Michigan could be one of these states that supports these policies, too. Talking with candidates for office about why this is important can be the first step to improving the lives of children in our state. To learn about how you can get involved with Clean Water Fund or arrange a meeting with a candidate for office in your district, please call Susan at 517-203-0754