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By Joe Nye, Eastern Pennsylvania Program Organizer We're less than a week from the election. Clean Water Staff across the country will be blogging about what it means nationally and locally. Check back for more. With the election coming up on Tuesday, November 6th I think it is important to stress why we need voters in the 31st district to re-elect Rep. Steve Santarsiero. Steve has been a true environmental leader in the PA State House since he was first elected in 2008. On the issue of fracking, which voters in Bucks County are surely well aware of, Steve has been looking out for the community’s public health since arriving in Harrisburg. With a 100% score on Clean Water Action’s Marcellus Shale Scorecard, we know that Steve is someone who will continue to fight to protect citizens from the dangers of gas drilling. It is important for voters who care about environmental issues to know that Steve is not just a consistent vote when it comes to fighting to protect the environment. He goes out of his way to organize other legislators when there is an important environmental vote on the horizon.  There have been occasions in the past where we have asked Steve to circulate a letter to other elected officials in support of environmental issues and he has walked around on the floor of the state house gathering signatures. Losing Steve as an advocate for the environment in Harrisburg would be a huge blow, and it is simply not an option. That is why we need you, your friends and neighbors to get out and vote to re-elect Rep. Steve Santarsiero on November 6th.  Polls are open from 7am - 8pm. Find your polling place here.