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The Difference Behind the Door

Forest Gump once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” This quote is particularly true in the world of canvassing. Every single door is a new opportunity for someone to get involved in the work we do. You never know who’s going to open up the door you just


North Jersey's New ReThink Disposable Organizer!

I'm so excited to start a new position as the new North Jersey organizer for Clean Water Action’s Rethink Disposable program. I want to mention that I’m a canvasser too. If you live in North Jersey, we may have met at your front door! While I’m canvassing and talking to people all over the state about environmental issues in New Jersey, I love the fact that no matter where I go everyone cares about the environment and tries to do their part in protecting it.


Following the Leader

I am a canvassing intern for the summer here at Clean Water Action in Rhode Island. In addition to knocking on doors, I got the opportunity to shadow State Director Johnathan Berard for one day to learn how the organization operates on the policy and lobbying side. It was incredibly informative and


Much more than just knocking on doors!

Clean Water Action works hard to keep people involved in the democratic process, even outside of election day. Contrary to popular belief, politicians are not working against the interest of the people. They just have a lot on their plates. Thousands of bills can come across an elected official's


Why Elections Motivate Me.

Autumn is my favorite season of the year. We’re past the stifling heat and humidity of summer, the changing color of leaves makes my drive to work a rolling rainbow of foliage and my work as a canvasser takes on special significance because, every two years, it’s election season.