VICTORY! Massachusetts Flame Retardants ban signed into law
To start the new year, we have a victory to celebrate! On New Year's Day, Governor Baker signed the Children and Firefighters Protection Act into law.
To start the new year, we have a victory to celebrate! On New Year's Day, Governor Baker signed the Children and Firefighters Protection Act into law.
There was a fire in my neighborhood (in Dorchester, MA) this week. I woke up at about 4:40 to popping sounds – wondered if they were fireworks (annoying at that hour but ok) or maybe gun shots (yikes). It didn’t sound quite like either. But quickly I heard sirens…lots of sirens...converging very nearby.
At this point many people are aware of the dangers of the toxic flame-retardant chemicals that are applied to household products. Now, widespread concern is turning into real action. Motivated by consumer interest, many manufacturers and retailers have been phasing out these chemicals and using
Yesterday, the Rhode Island House of Representatives voted to pass H5082, which will phase out the use of organohalogens, a dangerous chemical used in flame retardants that is associated with cancer and respiratory ailments.
The Senate already unanimously passed this bill in the spring, but when the
For Valentine’s Day this year, I want a hot date. So back off winter storms, late nights at work, the flu, or anything else that might keep me from my mission.
Chemical industry, I’m talking to you too! Keep your Chlorinated Tris, PBDEs and Firemaster 550 away. I’m looking to fan the flames of love
In this work sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes the thing you’ve been pouring your heart and soul into just peters out at the end of a legislative session and you set your sights on next year.
Unfortunately, despite a year and a half of hard work by the Clean Water Action team and