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Clean Water for Ed Markey
Protecting Communities in Fracking Country
For those in the heart of gas country, impacts from natural gas drilling to water and air quality are a daily concern and a threat to their quality of life. The bills introduced in the U.S. Congress today by Representatives Matthew Cartwright (D-PA) and Jared Polish (D-CO) mean so much to these people and show them that their government is concerned about their well being and working to protect them. Their leadership is welcomed.
Too often industry has been given a free pass. The BREATHE and FRESHER Acts close loopholes in the Clean Air ActPowerful Women: Lori Ehrlich
Powerful Women: Pauline Rodrigues
Conserving Water at Home
Is this ‘drought’ or is it…Texas? This is the question that imposes itself, as the drought wears on and as experts warn us to brace for a warmer climate. Drought has become our new norm, and water levels in reservoirs across the state continue to drop. We all need to do our part to create a ‘culture of water conservation’ that will help assure an adequate supply for our children and our state’s ecosystems. We can begin by eliminating barriers to water conservation.
One such barrier can be found in many homeowners associations (HOAs) deed restrictions. These