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S.S. Badger Should Clean Up Its Act Now, Not in Two Years
By Susan Harley, Michigan Policy Director That about sums it up... The coal-fired ferry S.S. Badger will be allowed to continuing dumping toxic coal ash into Lake Michigan for another two years, according to a proposed consent decree filed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on March 22nd, 2013. Unfortunately for the Great Lakes and the health of Michiganders, that’s two years too long. Each day the ferry dumps over four tons of toxic coal ash as it crosses Lake Michigan – that’s 509 tons of pollution every year. This coal ash contains arsenic, mercury, lead, selenium and other
Our Water Can’t Wait Any Longer
#ProtectCleanWater By Bob Wendelgass, President & CEO A new study released by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today found that 55% of our nation’s waters are in poor condition for fish and other aquatic life. The major problems identified in the study were too much nitrogen and phosphorus (from fertilizer used on farm fields and suburban lawns), decreased vegetation and too much human disturbance along streams, increased bacteria levels and increased mercury levels. The new study is an important call to action. And hopefully, it will prod EPA and the White House to take some
Looking Forward to Tax Season
The April 15 tax deadline is one of our least-eagerly-anticipated, most procrastinated-about deadlines. In addition to the costs, the tax filing process can consume tons of paper. Wasted paper usually means more trees being cut, more water impacts from the tree-cutting and from the process of turning trees into paper. Paper mills consume water and can send polluted water downstream when they’re done using it. We can’t avoid the tax deadline. But we can avoid unnecessary paper waste. Conserving paper can save trees and protect water quality. As a Clean Water Action supporter you probably
World Water Day and the US Senate
By Kim Klimpel, National Program Intern Happy World Water Day everyone! Across the globe, people are spending the day reflecting on the accomplishments that have given more people access to clean drinking water. Our most precious resource gets to wear a party hat and be the highlight of a multitude of events taking place in many different countries. Amidst the celebrating, however, we cannot forget that there is still a lot of work to be done. The United Nations (UN) has declared 2013 as the “International Year of Water Cooperation.” The UN wants to use World Water Day to educate people about
Yes to a budget. No to polluters' riders.
By Michael Kelly, Director of Online Communications Finally! After nearly four years without a budget from the Senate, our Senators are working on, and debating, a budget. Of course, it won't be easy. This is the Senate, after all. Watch the debate live in CSPAN, here Polluters and their allies are attempting to slip back-door "riders" or amendments onto the budget that would weaken or defund programs that are essential to the health of our environment, our communities, and our families. This is all being done without a hearing and little chance for public debate. It's a terrible way to decide