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Thoughts On the Gold King Spill
In August 2015, there was a three million gallon spill of mine waste water contaminated with heavy metals at Gold King Mine.
Victory: California's new plastic microbead ban is nation's strongest
Breaking News! Governor Brown signed AB 888 (Bloom) to ban the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products into law. Clean Water Action was a co-sponsor of the bill fought for three years to get this landmark bill passed. This would not have been possible without Clean Water Action members like you. AB 888 memeAB 888 is the strongest plastic microbead ban in the country.
Healing Our Waters
During the last week of September, Healing Our Waters – Great Lakes Coalition brought together a diverse group of more than 400 people from throughout the Great Lakes region to attend the Great Lakes Restoration Conference in Chicago. I attended as Minnesota’s state lead for the coalition. At the largest annual gathering of Great Lakes supporters and activists, we learned about important Great Lakes restoration issues and projects. We also developed strategies to advance federal, regional, and local restoration goals for the Great Lakes.
During the conference, discussions focused on many
Supporting Fenceline Communities
Clean Water Board Member, Vernice Miller-Travis and I spent a day in Bakersfield, CA with organizers and representatives of U.S. EPA Region 9, Central CA Environmental Justice Network and Global Community Monitor at a workshop examining community-based air monitoring projects and the importance of quality assurance plans.
The Animas River Spill: A Legacy of Unchecked Pollution
Last weekend, I was heartbroken as I watched the Animas River turn orange. For those of you who have not had the occasion to visit the Animas River or drive through some of its mountain towns like Silverton, simply driving by can seem as though you are inserting yourself into a John Fielder or Ansel Adams photo.