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DETROIT -- This morning, the Wayne County Commission voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to support SB 549-551, the Water Affordability bill package led by Senator Stephanie Chang.

The following statement can be attributed to Sean McBrearty, Michigan Director, Clean Water Action:

Access to safe, clean, and affordable drinking water is a human right and ensuring that all Michigan residents have affordable drinking water remains a top priority for Clean Water Action. I would like to thank Commissioner Jonathan Kinloch for his leadership on this resolution and the Wayne County Commission for adding their voices to the dozens of organizations and thousands of impacted residents across Michigan who have been calling for this critical legislation. Right now, 1 in 10 Michigan families can’t afford the water coming out of their taps. This is a statewide problem and calls for a statewide solution. The water affordability package must be passed without delay.


Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action has over 135,000 members across the state. Through direct advocacy and education we organize Michigan residents to protect the Great Lakes and our water resources. Learn more at


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In Support of Michigan Water Affordability Legislation

On October 26th 2023 the Michigan House Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Committee heard testimony on HB 5088-5093, a package of bills to create a water affordability program for Michigan residents. Clean Water Action Michigan State Director Sean McBrearty testified in favor of the bills.
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