This dirty budget is not the path to a 'Better America'
"We don’t get to a better America by gutting funds for the agencies charged with protecting our water, air, and health. Reducing EPA’s budget by nearly $3 billion will stymie the agency, leaving communities to fend for themselves."
Bipartisan Coalition Demands End to Ratepayer Subsidies for Trash Incineration
On March 8th, an unlikely alliance of Republican and Democratic legislators, residents from across Maryland, and environmental advocates gathered to demand the end of public subsidies for trash incineration in the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Surrounded by a trash can filled with mock
Murphy Budget Step in Right Direction, Legislature Needs to Better Support NJT, BPU, DEP
Clean Water Action's NJ State Director, Amy Goldsmith, released the following statement in response to Governor Murphy's proposed budget released this afternoon.
Clean Water Action on the confirmation of Andrew Wheeler to be Administrator of EPA
Washington, D.C. -- Today the Senate voted to confirm Andrew Wheeler’s nomination as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Clean Water Action President and CEO, Bob Wendelgass, released the following statement:
“Another day, another vote to install a corporate lobbyist in the Trump
Clean Water Action on Andrew Wheeler's Confirmation
Washington, D.C. -- Today the Senate voted to confirm Andrew Wheeler’s nomination as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Clean Water Action President and CEO, Bob Wendelgass, released the following statement:
“Another day, another vote to install a corporate lobbyist in the Trump