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press release

Massive and Diverse List of Groups To NJ Assembly: Pass Nation’s Strongest Cumulative Impacts Bill

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An incredibly powerful and diverse array of over 170 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of New Jersey residents including unions, environmental justice, social justice, community, faith-based groups, urban mayors, and an united environmental community called on the NJ State Assembly to pass the strongest possible version of the cumulative impacts bill (S232/A2212) out of committee today and the full Assembly on July 30th

press release

Gutting NEPA is a Recipe for Disaster

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Making it more difficult for people to speak out and eliminating requirements to consider climate change impacts is a recipe for disaster.

press release

Clean Water Action Applauds Passage of the Moving America Forward Act

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Today the US House passed HR2, the Moving America Forward Act. The House also passed an amendment to fund lead service line replacement across the nation.

Clean Water Action President and CEO, Bob Wendelgass, released the following statement:

“The Moving America Forward Act couldn’t have come at a

press release

Colorado Test Results Reveal Contaminated Drinking Water

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“CDPHE’s water testing results highlight the need for the state to do more to protect our communities from PFAS,” said Jennifer Peters, Water Programs Director at Clean Water Action. “Polluters should not be allowed to dump these chemicals into our water, and I urge the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission to pass a strong narrative water policy to rein in discharges of PFAS into Colorado waters.”