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Clean Water Currents | Winter 2022

In This Issue: Happy Birthday To Us! The Celebration Continues! | Bob Wendelgass Sends a Clear Message to SCOTUS: Keep the Clean Water Act Intact! | Source Water Collaborative Launches Clean Water Act Interactive Infographic | REI — Remove PFAS from Your Products! | The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act — One Year Later | Continue to Stand With Us to Demand Environmental Justice for All | Exciting Election News | We’re Making Year-End Giving Easy!

Texas Currents | Fall 2022

In this Issue: Texas Two-Step: Defending Democracy & Electing Environmental Leaders This Fall | Mark Your Calendars with Important Election Dates | Our Endorsed Candidates | The Devil’s in the Details: Water Forward and Green Infrastructure for Austin | Climate Change: Making the Case for “One Water” | Aren’t ALL waters in the U.S. “Waters of the United States”? Sackett & WOTUS in Texas | Solar Edit: Sunset on the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality