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Lazy summer days, serious clean water updates

Even during the slow summer months, our work continues to push Maryland forward for water quality and to fight against rollbacks on the federal level. With all of the changes happening on the federal level, it is a breath of fresh air to work in Maryland where most of our policymakers get the

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Following the Leader

I am a canvassing intern for the summer here at Clean Water Action in Rhode Island. In addition to knocking on doors, I got the opportunity to shadow State Director Johnathan Berard for one day to learn how the organization operates on the policy and lobbying side. It was incredibly informative and

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Setting a 10 year agenda with Clean Water Action

Photo caption: Clean Water Action staff and volunteers—from left, Lisa Bjerke, Kadineyse Ramize Pe ña, Joel Wool, Cee Byrd, Jennie Stephens, Terina Keller, Danny Faber, Elizabeth Saunders, Alex Papali

Usually, I like to spend the second Saturday in June at Boston’s annual Pride festival, but in

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