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Tip: Choosing safe cookware

There is nothing like a home cooked meal made from scratch. Make sure the care you take to create a delicious, healthy meal isn’t undermined by harmful chemicals leaching from your cookware.

Tip: Use stainless steel, glass or cast iron cookware. Cast iron cookware is non-stick if properly seasoned

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A New Plan for Anne Arundel County in the Works

Anne Arundel County has started the process to update the General Development Plan. The General Development Plan (aka Plan 2040) is the vision for what Anne Arundel County should become. It sets the groundwork for future decisions on land use and zoning - where new homes and businesses go - that

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Baltimore's Lead Testing Survey

Clean Water Action is conducting a study of 200 homes in Baltimore City and County to test for lead contamination in drinking water.

Lead can enter water if it is present in the service lines, in-home pipes, or faucets and fixtures in your home, and if water is corrosive or has high mineral content

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