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Good News out of Annapolis

This week has been a big week for many Clean Water priorities.

We will start with the disappointing news. On Monday, HB275/SB270 to ban chlorpyrifos failed to move forward in the Senate. The House of Delegates passed the bill, but the Senate would not move it out of committee. Read the coalition's

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Let's Unpack That: Coffee

The United States contains 5% of the world’s population, yet consumes about a quarter of the planet’s resources. Much of this consumption stems from our “throw away” lifestyle, whereby many products are used once and then thrown away. This started in the 1950s, when the plastics and chemical

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Last week we organized to oppose President Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of Interior. David Bernhardt, a former oil and gas lobbyist and lawyer with extensive conflicts of interest, has used his position at DOI to harm America’s public lands, waters and wildlife and gut some of the nation’s

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Carbon Pricing -- Yes!

I’ve been canvassing with the Northampton office of Clean Water Action since November. I’m also studying social thought and political economy, working to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of social and political change. Organizing for Clean Water Action has given me the opportunity to

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April showers bring ... sewage back-ups

April showers don't only bring May flowers: in a city with sewage infrastructure in desparate need of expansion and repair, they also bring sewage into local streams, city streets, and even people's homes.

Two years ago, Baltimore City signed a new Consent Decree, the agreement among the city and

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