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3 Things I Learned Just by Showing Up

On March 31st this year, Clean Water Action and the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy CT, an advocacy group that aims to protect our children from toxic chemicals, held a press event to voice concerns over the use of recycled tire rubber as a ground cover in playgrounds and urge passing of the bill

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Protect EPA

In the 1970s, 88% of American children had elevated levels of lead in their blood. Today that number is less than 1%. Bald eagles, once nearly extinct, have made a dramatic comeback. The US has cut air pollution 70% while our economy has tripled.

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Building Clean Energy in the Nutmeg State

Clean Water is determined to hold onto clean energy progress in the Connecticut, and to begin a strange new political era with vision and mojo. We are gearing up by visiting and celebrating some of the state’s most exciting clean energy installations - and making a party of it.

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