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Sarah Naiman served on the Board of Directors for Clean Water Action until 2024, when she was a PhD Candidate at Cornell University in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment. Sarah received her B.S. in Environmental Science from Loyola University Chicago where she began her research on Latine environmentalism and environmental justice. Sarah has collaborated with researchers, students, practitioners and community members to conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups for various organizational and academic projects including: 1) gaining a baseline understanding of how U.S. Latines conceptualize environmental problems and their solutions 2) identifying organizational needs and priorities and 3) evaluating the effectiveness of environmental education and outreach programs. 

In 2018, Sarah was awarded a graduate fellowship to work with Clean Water Action’s Boston Office on their Clean Energy Campaign and Environmental Justice Coalition work where she documented the experiences of community members following the closing of the coal power plants across the state. Outside of her work as an environmental social scientist, Sarah has dedicated her spare time to serve as a leader and advocate for improved diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within academia and the environmental sector more broadly.