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Zero Waste Organizer

Marta was raised in the Washington DC area but has lived in a variety of places, now calling the Jersey shore home.  After college, she traveled the country as a math and science teacher, including beautiful places such as the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and Puerto Rico.  Later, she became a project manager for a large engineering firm as an environmental geologist, investigating and remediating contaminated sites.  These experiences bring a wealth of knowledge and passion as the NJ Zero Waste Organizer.  In Marta’s spare time, she enjoys traveling with her husband and two children, taking long walks, gardening, cooking for large groups, and wood/rock working.  She also works with a school and orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

Publications by Marta Young

New Jersey Needs to Skip the Stuff: Fact Sheet

It is estimated that 40 billion individual single-use plastic utensils are discarded every year in the United States. Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable program is working to stop plastic trash advocating for a "Skip the Stuff" bill in New Jersey!

New Jersey Needs a Deposit Return System, aka “Bottle Bill” Fact Sheet

Clean Water Action is working in coalition to reduce single-use beverage containers through passage of the strongest Deposit Return System possible aka the New Jersey Bottle Bill!     

New Jersey Needs a Packaging Reduction Bill: Fact Sheet

An excessive amount of plastic is used in packaging food and drink containers while leaching toxins into what we eat and drink. We need to put a stop to this. NJ Senate Bill S3398 assigns responsibility to the producer to effectively reduce plastic waste used in packaging.