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Board of Directors

Clean Water Action Board of Directors

Pittsburgh, PA

Randall's connection to Clean Water Action began in Pittsburgh, PA, in 1985 when he participated in the field canvass for the Pennsylvania Alliance for Jobs and Energy, a partner organization with Clean Water Action. He rose through the ranks, opening and running Clean Water Action’s Pittsburgh phone canvass, and then transitioned into a program role. As a Clean Water Action organizer, he led the coalition for Pittsburgh’s Earth Day 1990 event, attracting an estimated 70,000 attendees. Randall then moved to New Hampshire to establish a Clean Water Action office, focusing on coastal and mercury issues through the New England Coastal Campaign.

After two years in New Hampshire, Randall returned to school and earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University. He became an assistant professor at the University of Colorado and later a full professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where he currently directs the master’s program in Quantitative Economics. Throughout his career, Randall has remained committed to environmental and racial justice, integrating these passions into his research and contributing to initiatives like the USEPA’s Environmental Justice Guidance for Rulemaking and Allegheny County’s Air Toxics Regulations. He also has over 15 years of non-profit board experience, including work with Fair Shake Environmental Legal Services and the Pittsburgh Park’s Conservancy.