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With half a million members, Clean Water Action is one of the nation's largest, most effective environmental organizations.

Get Involved

  • Clean Water Action's national board of directors and issue/policy priorities are selected by the membership. All Clean Water Action members may vote online, in response to a phone call or personal visit, or by calling 202-895-0420.
  • Clean Water Action's members may have access to exclusive member benefits, including affinity products or services benefiting the organization.
  • Clean Water Action members may also sign up to receive regular action alerts and program updates.

Who is a Member?

Terms of membership are for one year from the date of your most recent contribution and/or signing of a Clean Water Action support statement (including the equivalent "affirming" action taken on-line). Clean Water Action's bylaws extend membership to include all family members residing in the same household. Additional financial support is welcomed from members at any time, above and beyond any annual or more frequent membership contributions.

Why Your Support Matters

Clean Water Action's strength and effectiveness come directly from people like you, our members.

Half a million members strong, and growing, Clean Water Action is the nation's leading grassroots environmental organization.

The financial support provided by individual Clean Water Action members - whether contributed at the door, by phone, online, or by mail - sustains the organization's programs. Clean Water Action receives the majority of its funding in this form.

By design, Clean Water Action relies on its members, rather than on foundation grants, corporate gifts or government funding. This gives Clean Water Action the independence and grassroots power to shape policies in the public interest and to advance our mission and strategy of making democracy work for people and their environment, including healthy communities, ecosystems and local economies.

When Clean Water Action's members speak, public officials and elected representatives listen, because they know that they will be held accountable for their positions and actions. Your donations, your petition signatures, letters, calls, e-mails and active involvement as volunteers give Clean Water Action the clout needed to get results.

Support Clean Water Action

For over 50 years, support from our members and the public has powered our campaigns to protect clean water, safeguard our communities, fight the climate crisis, tackle the tsunami of single-use plastic pollution, get Clean Water Voters to the polls, and more. Your donation today ensures we can keep winning campaigns for our water!

Take Action

When Clean Water Action's members speak, public officials and elected representatives listen, because they know that they will be held accountable for their positions and actions. Speak up for clean water by taking action today!

Volunteer with Clean Water

Interested in getting more involved? Let us know where you are and how you'd like to help protect clean water!