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Hello! My name is Danny Fanaroff, and I recently joined the Clean Water Action team as a summer intern in the communications department. I’ll be making sure that you hear the latest news and information about our water and what we’re doing to protect it. I was hired based on my extensive background in journalism and communications. I got my start writing for my high school paper in the sports section and eventually became editor of that section my senior year. For the last six months, I have been writing for a local DC sports blog called All Over the Hill covering the four major sports teams in the greater Washington area as well as some of the local universities.  During my time writing for the site, I used my platform as a means to address some of the social issues affecting the sports industry, most notably the Donald Sterling controversy affecting the Los Angeles Clippers, and the well-documented debate surrounding the Washington Redskins potential and necessary name change. The reason I wanted to work with Clean Water is simple - I believe in this cause. I know that Clean Water Action’s priorities and campaigns are something that everyone can rally behind. We are fighting to protect our nation’s water.  We’re making sure that polluters are held accountable if they contribute to the decay of our rivers, lakes, and streams. We’re raising awareness and taking action whichever ways we can. With your help we educate the public and our elected officials and pressure them to protect our water, communities, and environment. That is why I am here, Clean Water. I am excited to be a part of such a passionate organization and connect to our members and supporters. I can’t wait to see what we’re able to accomplish together. Best, Danny