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Smiling is good. We need more of it. Father’s day can be worth smiling about. We hope that’s true in your case. So, what's the link between smiling and clean water (other than the obvious)? If you’re customer of the world’s largest online retailer (like most people who buy stuff online) chances are you’ve seen a few emails talking about Amazon’s new “smile” program that donates to Clean Water Fund and other 501-c-3 nonprofits, whenever you make purchases through a special Smile account. Smiling Made Easy -- With lots of people doing it, even small donations can add up quickly for Clean Water. Plus, every few months, to boost participation, the company offers a much larger donation. For Father’s Day it’s $5 for every purchase. That’s great. But for any of the donations to happen, you have to do two extra things:

You have to sign up for the program via your Amazon account

You have to type in a special Amazon web address every time you shop, otherwise you’re just doing regular shopping. No donations (less smiling).

Fewer things to do means more smiling, right? Our partners at get this. They’ve come up with a neat new tool you can use that means more smiling. Not just donations for Clean Water Fund when you shop at Amazon, but also donations for Clean Water Action when you shop at hundreds of other great online merchants. A couple of quick steps sets things up for you, then everything happens automatically. The whole process takes longer to read about here than to do – more smiling! So let's get going!

STEP 1: Visit our “Smile Plus” page

STEP 2: Sign up

STEP 3: Follow the EZ instructions to get your Smile Plus app up and running (if you use Chrome you might need to re-start your browser to activate it)

DONE: That’s it. You’re done.
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Now your Amazon visits automatically take you to the Smile.Amazon site to support Clean Water Fund, so you’ll never miss another opportunity to earn a Clean Water Smile donation again. PLUS, your purchases hundreds of other leading online merchants will now automatically benefit Clean Water Action. FINE PRINT (the good kind):  (If you haven’t already set up a “smile” arrangement at Amazon, you’ll be prompted to do so the first time you shop there. Either way, make sure to pick Clean Water Fund as your Amazon smile charity – it’s a great cause, one of our favorites, in fact. Whenever you shop at hundreds of other online stores, Clean Water Action will automatically benefit.) YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS, TOO: Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund have a longstanding trusted partnership with You can join with more than 700,000 other online shoppers who are already supporting Clean Water Action in this way. This new Smile Plus App is 100% safe, never costs you a dime extra, and complies with a strict privacy policy.

Happy Father's Day, Everyone. Don't forget to Smile.