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Manatees in Massachusetts???

Well, Labor Day is behind us and fall is here, unofficially. What stands out for me this summer is the weirdness of the weather and...manatees! It is official: we have just experienced the warmest summer yet -- NASA has confirmed that and is predicting that 2016 will be the warmest year on record

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Oil Train Victories Across the Country

In Baltimore, Clean Water Action has been working for two years to prevent further oil train traffic from passing through our city and to make sure the City government, emergency services, and the public know all of the risks and health impacts that oil train shipments can cause. Our campaign is

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The Future of Methane in Colorado

Enjoy this guest blog from our friends and allies at Conservation Colorado. If you haven't yet contacted the EPA about reducing methane pollution - act today!

Colorado has long been a leader for the nation in finding policy solutions that strike the right balance between responsible energy

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Proud, grateful and hopeful for the future

In this work sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes the thing you’ve been pouring your heart and soul into just peters out at the end of a legislative session and you set your sights on next year.

Unfortunately, despite a year and a half of hard work by the Clean Water Action team and

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