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The Magna Carta of Environmental Laws is Under Attack

They call it the Magna Carta of environmental laws; the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the foundation for landmark health and environmental protections like the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. NEPA is what gives any person or community group a voice on projects that can impact

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Tips for a Successful Plastic Free July!

Plastic Free July kicked off Sunday. For the entire month, millions of people around the world will forgo plastic. Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable program, which prevents waste before it starts by working with local businesses to minimize single use disposable packaging, is very excited to participate! You can find out more about the challenge, sign up for it, and check out a toolbox and many helpful resources at the Plastic Free July website.
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Baltimore needs a Fair Elections Fund

It's a basic ideal of democracy: everyone should have a vote and a voice to share their thoughts with their elected officials. But the need for candidates to court major donors to win elections can skew these relationships and give those with bigger pockets a bigger voice. Even candidates who want

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