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Coalition Comment on the Regulatory Determination on PFOA and PFOS under SDWA

Comment on the Regulatory Determination on PFOA and PFOS under the Safe Drinking Water Act

Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2019-0583

On behalf of our members and supporters, the undersigned organizations support the preliminary regulatory determination to regulate perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and


Letter Regarding Park Police Activities in Washington, D.C.

June 4, 2020

Dear Secretary Bernhardt,

We write with deep concern about the recent actions of the United States Park Police during ongoing protests in Washington, DC. Like protests around the country, those in our nation’s capital are calls for justice for the Black community. We grieve and condemn


Clean Water Currents -- May 2020

In this issue: Fighting the Dirty Water Agenda | Responding to COVID-19 | Reducing Lead in Water | Oil and Gas Putting Our Water At Risk | Funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund | Eco Activities for Home