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Safe Chemicals, please

Take Action for Safe Chemicals Today!

By Cindy Luppi, New England Director May is here and for many, the top thing on our minds is spring and whether the Celtics can continue their tear in playoffs (Rondo!) or if the Sox will ever turn it around in the Valentine years (and, if you’re not from New
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Love Your Mother

by Jonathan A. Scott There are lots of great ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. While there is no substitute for an in-person visit or celebratory phone call (or video chat, if you’re so inclined), there is also a rich tradition involving gifts of cards, pictures flowers, edible goodies and more. If
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The Dirty Water Caucus at it Again

Who are they protecting?

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Coordinator On Wednesday the House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment to a spending bill that would block the Administration from finishing new Clean Water Act polices to protect streams, lakes, wetlands and other water resources
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