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Letter to Congress: Vote NO on HR 2910, the Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act

On behalf of our millions of members, our organizations urge you to oppose HR 2910, the Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act. This legislation subverts state and local permitting authorities, harms the environment, undercuts public transparency and input in decisions affecting communities, and recklessly expands the reach of eminent domain.


Michigan Currents - Summer 2017

In this issue: New Evidence Shows Even Greater Likelihood of Damage to Line 5; Victory for Clean Energy and the Great Lakes; Nestle Trying to Increase Water Consumption...Again; Transitioning Michigan’s Utilities from Coal to a Clean Energy Future; 2017 Great Lakes Awards Celebration


Chesapeake Currents | Summer 2017 | Maryland Edition

Energize, Mobilize, Localize The People’s Climate March in Baltimore

The People’s Climate March in April was one of the landmark environmental events of the Trump era. More than 300,000 people traveled to DC from all over the country to march for jobs, justice, and climate action on the 100th day of


Minnesota Currents - Spring | Summer 2017

In this issue: Defending Our Water and Health in the 2017 Legislative Session; Water Action Day at the Capitol; Consumers are Detoxing Store Shelves; What You Can Do to Protect Our Water; and more!


Texas Currents - Spring | Summer 2017

In this issue: Trump’s Attacks on Landmark Environmental Laws; Texas Legislature Misses Opportunities on Environment; Sewage Discharges Above Edwards Aquifer; Bureau of Land Management Ignores Protests, Holds Fracking Auction Anchor; and more.