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ReThink Disposable, a program of Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund, aims to stop trash before it starts.

We work with local governments, businesses and institutions, and consumers of single use food packaging to inspire a cultural shift away from the single-use “throwaway” lifestyle.

By providing knowledge, guidance, and support, ReThink Disposable inspires change that leads to conserved resources, saved energy, and reduced litter polluting our oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Businesses & Organizations

Plate Fork Knife


Organizations large and small are saving $1000s of dollars each year and winning over their diners in a whole new way by championing our movement. Restaurants, cafes, venues, schools, non-profits, and many others are working with ReThink Disposable to switch foodware to sustainable alternatives for a long-term impact. Reduce Waste, Save Money, and Go Green - Join us!

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Local & State Governments

Government Building


Governments are joining us to take the lead on the global plastic pollution problem. ReThink Disposable is partnering with local and state governments to innovate new programs and policies to meet waste and litter prevention goals, reducing pollution in local waterways and beyond. We offer guidance and support for local businesses and organizations to achieve sustainable solutions, creating positive, long term, and healthier changes for the environment *and* for their bottom line!

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Individuals & Communities

Two figures sharing a high five


We couldn't be successful without a movement of ReThink Disposable champions and leaders to bring about change in their communities by stopping trash before it starts - and encouraging others to do the same! Here's how you can take ACTION now to reduce plastic pollution and be the change you want to see in the world!

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Our Impact

Pieces of single use foodware items replaced yearly
Pounds of waste no longer created every year
Annual cost savings
Number of business & organizational partners


Case Studies

Image of ReThink-Branded-Reusable-Cups

Cedar Lake Triathlon Series, Chester, CT

The Valley Shore YMCA holds the Cedar Lake Triathlon series each summer in Chester, Connecticut. At each event in the series, the YMCA provided plastic bottled water and disposable cups. ReThink Disposable helped them make the switch to reusable silicone water bottles and reusable cups instead! Our New England Zero Waste Organizer collected the used bottles and cups for sanitization and reuse at the following events - making 3 of the 5 events in the 2024 series zero-waste!
Image of Amber Schmidt of ReThink Disposable with Tom

House of Bread, Hartford, CT

The House of Bread Soup Kitchen is in the center of Connecticut’s Capitol City and serves over 250 daily meals to food-insecure residents. They were using primarily donated disposable cups, bowls, and utensils. ReThink Disposable helped the House of Bread make the transition to 100% reusable service ware for all meals, saving the organization over $1,600 annually and keeping over 120,000 disposable items out of the trash each year.
Image of A-Truro-Case-Study-Featured-Image-Stack of Reusable Salad Containers

Truro Community Kitchen, Truro, MA

Truro Community Kitchen (TCK) is a non-profit food provider on Cape Cod in Truro, Massachusetts that serves free and anonymous meals every week. By partnering with ReThink Disposable, they have eliminated 100% of their disposable plastics, preventing 12,000 disposable plastic items from entering the trash annually.

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