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Kids Help Monitor Newark's Dirty Diesel Near Their School

In December member groups of the Coalition for Healthy Ports (CHPs, which NJEF chairs) and dozens of environmentalists, community activists, port drivers, and students conducted a truck count at various locations in the East and South Wards of Newark where port trucks first hit the local streets.

The Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) did a great job organizing truck counting in front of the Hawkins Street School and other neighborhood locations in Newark. Additional truck counting was conducted in the South Ward by the graduates of NJEF's Newark-based Urban Environmental Institute.


Clean Water Currents | Summer 2022

In This Issue Celebrating Clean Water Action's 50th Birthday Protect Our Water from Chemical Spills Making Environmental Justice a Policy Priority Protecting All of Our Water Taking on “Forever” PFAS Chemicals We All Live Downstream: Clean Water Podcast More National Campaigns News State and

COVID-19 Pandemic Precautions and Recommendations For Reusable Food Service Ware

ReThink Disposable & Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund, in collaboration with MudLab and the UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management have released a timely guide for restaurants seeking to keep customers safe while at the same time honoring our commitment to the planet. In the guide, readers will find conclusions about the safety of reusables from the scientific community, FDA, CDC, and other authorities on the topic. Further, helpful tips for maintaining reusable systems despite the extra precautions necessary for protection against COVID-19 are paired with practical tips from restaurants who currently implement such re-use systems.