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Many Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fun colleagues gathered recently for a conference in Maryland to train up, reinvigorate, share strategies and stories, and look to the future of Clean Water Action. 
Throughout the conference, I witnessed the power of the organizing work that our phone and field canvas undertake to engage our members and the public at large about the good being done in California and the important actions we all need to be taking to protect safe water and communities impacted by environmental injustice. Campaign Directors shared best practices and plotted future opportunities, and attendees participated in a range of trainings. 
During the second leg of my flight back to California I got into a conversation with a woman headed to Sacramento to join 500 other parents who had lost a child to gun violence. The group of parents planned to march, then rally at the Capitol, and then visit policymakers to share their experiences. 
Our conversation about her personal commitment to citizen advocacy was an inspiring coda to a conference rooted in Clean Water Action’s commitment to people-powered Democracy. As we continue ramping up our advocacy and community organizing efforts in 2019, I will be thinking about how each of us can contribute to creating the political change we need in California and in our nation. 

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