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You can help keep sewage out of pristine Texas rivers, lakes, and streams. The state legislature is considering bills to ban the dumping of sewage into Texas waterways.

Even when treated, sewage effluent contains too many pollutants, like phosphorus, that can choke waterways with algae, deprive the water of oxygen, and kill fish. HB 4147 and SB 1747 would prohibit the state from issuing permits to discharge wastewater effluent directly into waterways with low levels of phosphorus.  Low phosphorus levels indicate pristine water quality and are key to continued healthy aquatic systems and safe recreational water use. Some 43 streams across the state, many in the fast-growing Hill Country, would be protected from discharge by the proposed legislation.

Wastewater can be disposed of more responsibly by re-using it beneficially to irrigate parks or flush toilets, as dozens of communities throughout the state already do.

Please email your state legislators today and tell them to support HB 4146 and SB 1747!

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